2. What is the other name of a train station?

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3. What are the facilities in a train station?

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2. What is the other name of a train station?


2. Alternate Synonyms for "railway station":

railroad station; railroad terminal; train station; train depot; terminal; terminus; depot.

3. Station facilities

Stations usually have staffed ticket sales offices, automated ticket machines, or both, although on some lines tickets are sold on board the trains. Many stations include a shop or convenience store. Larger stations usually have fast-food or restaurant facilities.



2. Sinonim Alternatif untuk "stasiun kereta api":

Stasiun kereta api; terminal kereta api; Stasiun kereta; depo kereta; terminal; ujung; depot.

3. Fasilitas stasiun

Stasiun biasanya memiliki kantor penjualan tiket, mesin tiket otomatis, atau keduanya, meskipun di beberapa jalur tiket dijual di atas kereta. Banyak stasiun memiliki toko atau toko serba ada. Stasiun yang lebih besar biasanya memiliki fasilitas makanan cepat saji atau restoran.


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