21. Please return the package to the sender as this person … lives at this address.

Posted on

a. not
b. not longer
c. no
d. no longer

22. If you are …., i do not mind waiting and doing it later.
a. not ready yet
b. yet not ready
c. ready not yet
d. yet ready not

23. The maintenance department would like to remind all employees to turn off electrical appliances before leaving the building. … … off computers, photocopiers, printers, and in particular, heaters could cause fires.
a. turning out
b. not turned
c. not turning
d. turned not

24. However, for security reasons, please leave the lights on so that there is … to walk around the building safely.
a. enough lightly
b. enough light
c. lightly enough
d. light enough

21. Please return the package to the sender as this person … lives at this address.


21. Please return the package to the sender as this person … lives at this address.

a. not

b. not longer

c. no

d. no longer

22. If you are …., I do not mind waiting and doing it later.

a. not ready yet

b. yet not ready

c. ready not yet

d. yet ready not

23. The maintenance department would like to remind all employees to turn off electrical appliances before leaving the building. … …  computers, photocopiers, printers, and in particular, heaters could cause fires.

a. turning off

b. not turned

c. not turning

d. turned not

24. However, for security reasons, please leave the lights on so that there is … to walk around the building safely.

a. enough lightly

b. enough light

c. lightly enough

d. light enough

Hope it helps~ヾ(^∇^)







i hope that's correct,good luck