22. Fikri … a new sport car last Sunday. It almost … 5 Billions rupiah. *

Posted on

a. Sell – costs
b. Sold – costs
c. Buys – costs
d. Bought – cost

23. Did he … math last night? *

a. Study
b. Studies
c. Studied
d. studying

24. Two weeks ago in south Sulawesi, a phyton … a farmer in his farm. The people … the phyton and … the farmer’s body from the belly of the phyton *

a. Ate – cut – pulled out
b. Eats – cut – pulled out
c. Is eating – is cutting – pulling out
d. Was eating – was cutting – pulling out

25. Brandon … late to the office last year. He … reward from his boss. *

a. Never came – always got
b. Never come – always get
c. Always came – always got
d. Always came – always get

26. She was very upset. She … her English final test last week because she … hard before *

a. Failed – didn’t study
b. Failed – didn’t studied
c. Fail – study
d. Fail – studied​

22. Fikri … a new sport car last Sunday. It almost … 5 Billions rupiah. *


22.D.Bought – cost


24.A.Ate – cut – pulled out

25.A.Never came – always got

26.B.Failed – didn't studied