first, they order two roast______.
_______,they also would order two ______of spaghetti and ____balls. third,they would like to drink two _____of cocacola and two cups of______they are very happy because they _____each other.
4. let's Go to the market and buy vegetables :carrots, _____and____ we will buy spices(bumbu) to: garlic, ____and___
mohon bantu jawab
3. antoni and Linda are going to celebrate their first wedding anyversary at pizza hut.
Jawaban :
3. Antoni and Linda are going to celebrate their first wedding aniversary at pizza hut.
first, they order two roast of chikens.
They also would order two plates of spaghetti and meat balls. Third, they would like to drink two bottles of cocacola and two cups of tea they are very happy because they love each other.
4. let's Go to the market and buy vegetables : carrots, spinach and cabbage we will buy spices to : garlic, chili and onion
Penjelasan :
Terjemahan dalam bahasa indonesia :
3. Antoni dan Linda akan merayakan ulang tahun pernikahan pertama mereka di pizza hut.
pertama, mereka memesan dua ayam panggang.
Mereka juga akan memesan dua piring spaghetti dan bakso. Ketiga, mereka ingin minum dua botol coca – cola dan dua cangkir teh. Mereka sangat bahagia karena mereka saling mencintai.
4. Ayo pergi ke pasar dan beli sayuran : wortel, bayam dan kubis kita akan membeli bumbu untuk : bawang putih, cabai dan bawang merah
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Materi nama sayuran dan bumbu dalam bahasa inggris