3. Dion: Where did you meet her last afternoon?

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Endah: We . . . at the train station.

A. met

B. meet

C. meets

D. Meeting

4. He . . . me to see a movie two days ago.

A. invite

B. invites

C. invited

D. Inviting

5. My teacher . . . us about history of our country yesterday.

A. teach

B. taught

C. teaches

D. Teaching

6. Sandra : Did John (1) . . . on the lamp?

Corry : No, he did not. He (2) . . . off the lamp.

A. (1) turn – (2) turned

B. (1) turned – (2) turn

C. (1) turning – (2) turn

D. (1) turned – (2) turning

7. Ratih : Did you (1) . . . to her yesterday?

Gilang : No, I did not. I (2) . . . to her sister yesterday.

A. (1) speak – (2) spoke

B. (1) spoke – (2) speak

C. (1) speaking – (2) speak

D. (1) speak – (2) speaking

8. Rika : Did Wira (1) . . . English last morning?

Wildan : No he did not. He . . . Mathematics.

A. (1) study – (2) study

B. (1) study – (2) studied

C. (1) studying – (2) study

D. (1) studied – (2) studying

9. Bertha : What did you give to Helen on her birthday?

Windy : . . .

A. I gave her a beautiful gown.

B. I give her a beautiful gown.

C. I had given her a beautiful gown.

D. I am giving her a beautiful gown

10. George : How many days did you spend your holiday in Europe?

Raisya : . . .

A. I spent my holiday in Europe for three weeks.

B. I spend my holiday in Europe for three weeks.

C. I have spent my holiday in Europe for three weeks.

D. I am spending my holiday in Europe for three weeks

3. Dion: Where did you meet her last afternoon?


3. a. Met.

4. c. Invited.

5. b. Taught.

6. b. (1) Turned – (2) Turn.

7. a. (1) Speak – (2) Spoke.

8. b. (1) Study – (2) Studied.

9. a. I gave her a beautiful grown.

10. c. I have spent my holiday in Eroupe for three weeks.

Semoga membantu.


3) A. Met.

4) C. Invited.

5) B. Taught.

6) B. (1) turned — (2) turn.

7) A. (1) Speak — (2) Spoke.

8) B. (1) Study — (2) Studied.

9) A. I gave her a beautiful gown.

10) B. I Spend my holiday in Europe for three weeks.

Maaf kalau salah, selamat mengerjakan.