3. Mrs. anisa and Mrs. rahma …….. English everyday in our school. *

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a. teaches
b. Teacher
c. teach
d. taught
6. The post office ……. on Saturday and Sunday. *
a. are not open
b. is not opening
c. do not open
d. does not open
7. It’s 06.00 p.m. Mary is at home. She… dinner. She always eats dinner with her family around six o’clock. *
a.Is eating
b. Are eating
c. Eats
d. Eat
8. I am in class right now. I … at my desk. I usually … at the same desk in class every day. *
a. Am Sitting, sits
b. Sit, am sitting
c. Sits, am Sitting
d. Am Sitting, sit
9. Risa …… an article in the newspaper right now, but she ……. it. Some of the vocabulary is too difficult for her *
a. is reading, don’t understand
b. is reading, doesn’t understand
c. is reading, is not understand
d. Doesn't read, is not understanding
10. The sun ….. in the East and …… in the West *
a. rise — sets
b. rises — set
c. rises — sets
d. rising — setting
12. The best arrangement is …. *
Gambar Tanpa Teks
a. 4 – 3 – 5 – 1 – 2
b. 4 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1
c. 4 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 1
d. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 5
13. traffic-the-like-do-not-I 1 2 3 4 5 6 the best arrangement is …… *
a. 6 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 2 – 1
b. 5 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 3 – 1
c. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6
d. 4 – 6 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 1
14. Arrange these words into a good sentence ! this transportation-for-rapidly-time-the-grows *
a. For this transportation grows rapidly this time.
b. The transportation grows for this time rapidly.
c. The transportation grows rapidly for this time.
d. For the transportation grows rapidly this time.
15. Hello, my name is Julia and this is my family. My mother’s name is Rachel. She is a housewife and she is 37 years old. She __________ (get up) at seven o’clock and __________ (prepare) breakfast for us. *
a. get up-prepare
b. gets up-prepares
c. got up-prepared
d. get up-prepared
16. I have cotton on my left hand. On my right hand, I have stone. They have the same size but stone is …… than cotton. *
a. Heavier
b. Lighter
c. Smaller
d. Bigger
18. My house is 20km from school, yudha's house is 10km from school.So Yudha's house is……… Than my house. *
a. Nearer
b. Farther
c. Nearest
d. Furthest
19. In my garage there are Car, motorcycle, toy car and bike. Where is the biggest vehicles? *
a. Motorcycle
b. Toy car
c. car
d. Bike
20. Last night my brother told me the …….. story that I have ever heard *
a. most interesting
b. interesting
c. interested
d. more interesting
21. you are working worse, please work…………. *
a. good
b. best
c. the best
d. better
22. *
Gambar Tanpa Teks
a. much
b. few
c. least
d. little
23. The black t-shirt is 30.000 rupiahs. The yellow t-shirt costs 50.000 rupiahs. The black t-shirt is … than the yellow t-shirt. *
a. cheaper
b. cheapest
c. more espensive
d. the most expensive
tolong di jawab ya dengan benar kawan2

3. Mrs. anisa and Mrs. rahma …….. English everyday in our school. *


3. c. teach

6. d. doesnt open

7. a. is eating

8. d. am sitting. sit

9. b. is Reading. doesnt understand

10. c. rises. sets


13. a. 6-4-5-3-2-1,,,, I do not like the traffic

14. c. the transportation grows rapidly for this time

15. b. gets up – prepares

16. a. heavier

18. a. nearer

19. c. cara

20. a. most interesting

21. d. better


23. a. cheaper