3. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

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A. The process of pollination of durian tree.
B. The description of the durian fruit.
C. Many kinds of food from durian.
D. The odor of the durian flesh.​

3. What is the main idea of paragraph three?


3. What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A. The process of pollination of durian tree.

B. The description of the durian fruit.

C. Many kinds of food from durian.

D. The odor of the durian flesh.

3. Apa gagasan utama paragraf tiga?

A. Proses penyerbukan pohon durian.

B. Uraian tentang buah durian.

C. Macam-macam makanan dari durian.

D. Bau daging durian.


B.The description of the durian fruit

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