3.Write 2 expression that show you Accepting someone Invitation

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3.Write 2 expression that show you Accepting someone Invitation


1. Sure. Count me in!

2. Thank you for the invitation!

Jawaban:Making in vitiation

· Would you like to…?

· I would very happy if…?

· We would be delighted if you…?

· Would you care to..?

· We would be pleased if you could…?

· Would you care to…?

Accepting invitation

· That’s very kind of you

· We’d like very much to….

· What a delightful idea

· With the greatest pleasure

· Thank you very much for inviting me

· It’s delightful to….

Declining invitation

· I’m very sorry, I don’t

· Think I can.

· I’d like to, but ….

· I’m afraid I’ve

· Already promised….

· Thank you for asking me, but ….

· Unfortunately , I can’t….