39. Read the dialogue below!

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Raffa : "This afternoon, Daffa and I will study together to discuss our English project
Will you join us?
"On really? I must go to sport hall to practice table tennis with my coach"
"You must be sorry for not joining us. How about if you practice table tennis on
"I'm sorry. I think I can't join you. I have made a promise with my coach to
practice table tennis together."
a. Why can't Kaffa study together with Raffa and Daffa?
b. "You must be sorry for not joining us". The underlined word refers to

pliss kak jawab ​

39. Read the dialogue below!

39. Read the dialogue below!


a. Because Kaffa needs to go to the sport hall to practice tennis with his coach.

b. Raffa and Daffa

semoga benar, semangat!