4. Перепишіть речення в пасивному стані.

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– Present Perfect Tense
1. We hear a sound of a violin in the hall.
2. His father always praises him when he works hard.
3. My sister often takes Bob for his brother.
4. My mother wakens me at 7 o’clock every morning.
5. We use this room for special occasions.
6. In some districts farmers use pigs to find truffles.
7. They make these artificial flowers of silk.
8. They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day.
9. Beavers make these dams.
10. They sell soft drinks here.
11. Most people oppose such things.
12. Usually students do a lot of work in spring.
13. They don’t admit children under sixteen.
14. Now they start these engines by electricity.
15. They never discuss it in her presence.
– Past Simple Tense.
1. She found the envelope at last behind the dining-room clock.
2. I bought this book a weak ago a week ago.
3. A great artist painted this picture.
4. John broke the window the other day
5. The mob broke all the shop windows in recent riots.
6. They rang the church bells as a flood warning.
7. It is high time someone told him to stop behaving like a child.
8. The judge gave him two weeks in which to pay the fine.
9. An uneasy silence succeeded the shot.
10. They showed her the easiest way to do it.
11. Lightning struck the old oak.
12. A jelly-fish stung her.
13. Did the idea interest you?
14. They used to start these engines by hand.
15. Who wrote it?
–Future Simple Tense.
1. I shall post this letter tomorrow.
2. They will discuss your report next week.
3. The secretary will change our time-table in a week.
4. Tom will meet us at station.
5. Someone will serve refreshments.
6. The lawyer will give him the details of his uncle’s will.
7. The closure of the workshops will make a lot of people redundant.
8. We will not admit children under sixteen.
9. She will wear an evening dress.
10. The organisers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.
11. They will say nothing more about the matter.
12. The police will interview him tomorrow.
13. We shall discuss this problem later.
14. What measures shall we take?
15. I shall send him this report tomorrow.

4. Перепишіть речення в пасивному стані.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. We have heard a sound of a violin in the hall.

2. His father has always praised him when he works hard.

3. My sister has often taken Bob for his brother.

4. My mother has wakened me at 7 o’clock every morning.

5. We have used this room for special occasions.

6. In some districts farmers have used pigs to find truffles.

7. They have made these artificial flowers of silk.

8. They have fed the seals at the zoo twice a day.

9. Beavers have made these dams.

10. They have sold soft drinks here.

11. Most people have opposed such things.

12. Usually students have done a lot of work in spring.

13. They haven't admitted children under sixteen.

14. Now they have started these engines by electricity.

15. They have never discussed it in her presence.


Present perfect tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk kejadian yang terjadi di waktu lampau dan belum selesai pada saat dibicarakan.

Rumus present perfect tense adalah subject + have/has + verb 3 + object.

Untuk soal simple past tense dan future simple tense, kalimat sudah sesuai dengan tense.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai present perfect tense pada brainly.co.id/tugas/2909162
