4. Change the sentences into English using Simple Past Tenses! Positive and Negative.

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Aku dan Ayahku pergi ke Kebun binatang minggu yang lalu.
5. Change the sentences into English using Simple Present Tenses! Positive and Negative.
Aku dan sepupuku selalu pergi kerumah kakek setiap liburan, dan membantu kakek di kebur

tolong bantu butuh cepat dia dapat​

4. Change the sentences into English using Simple Past Tenses! Positive and Negative.


4. My father and I went to the zoo last week

5. +) My cousin and I go to grandfather's house every holiday and help grandfather in the garden.

-) My cousin and I don't go to grandfather's house every holiday and don't help grandfather in the garden.


4.Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau.

Adverb of time: Last night, yesterday, two weeks ago, an hour ago, etc.

Rumus Simple Past Tense

+)S + V2

-) S + didn't + V1

?) Did + S + V1

5. Materi : Simple present tense


+) S + V1s/es

-) S + do/does + V1

?) Do/does + S + V1