a. the students won the competition. (they were prepared for three months).
b. the new governor is delivering a speech in the seminar. (he is elected in this period of general election).
c. don’t you know that girl? (she was calling you yesterday).
d. when i was entering my home, there was a man. (he was stollen my jewelry).
e. the car was repaired in the workshop. (it was broken in the accident).
f. at the end of this year, there are a lot of discount in the mall. (they are given by many branded collections.)
4. rewrite these sentences using participle as modifier!
4. tulis ulang kalimat-kalimat ini dengan menggunakan participle sebagai modifier!
sebuah. siswa memenangkan kompetisi. (mereka dipersiapkan selama tiga bulan).
B. gubernur baru menyampaikan pidato dalam seminar. (ia terpilih dalam periode pemilihan umum ini).
C. apakah kamu tidak mengenal gadis itu? (dia menelepon Anda kemarin).
D. ketika saya memasuki rumah saya, ada seorang pria. (dia mencuri perhiasan saya).
e. mobil itu diperbaiki di bengkel. (itu rusak dalam kecelakaan itu).
F. di penghujung tahun ini banyak diskon di mall. (mereka diberikan oleh banyak koleksi bermerek.)