45. Illustration:

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Your classmate Rara, won as the first winner in retelling contest at your school, please, make a greeting
card to congratulate her success and say that you are proud of her​

45. Illustration:


Your classmate Rara, won as the first winner in retelling contest at your school, please, make a greeting  card to congratulate her success and say that you are proud of her​.


Teman sekelasmu Rara, menang  sebagai juara satu lomba menceritakan kembali di sekolahmu. Buatlah kartu ucapan selamat atas kesuksesannya dan katakan bahwa kamu bangga padanya.

Contoh ucapan selamat:

– Congratulations Rara for winning first place in the retelling competition!

– Congrats for winning the retelling contest Rara! I am so happy for you!

– Congratulations Rara! We are happy to see you as first place in the retelling competition at out school!

Maaf kalau salah ya…

Hope this helps