1. Hardware
2. Upgrade
3. Dekstop komputer
4. Laptop
5. Keyboard
(5 Kalimat dengan masing" kata di atas)
5 Contoh kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang mempunyai s, o, v, adv dengan kata:
1. hardware = object
he (S) services (V) the hardware of the computer (O) very careful (adv)
2. upgrade = verb
i (S) upgrade (V) my windows (O) annually (ADV)
3. desktop computer = object
she (S) changes (V) the wallpaper of her desktop computer (O) every day (ADV)
4. laptop = object
i (S) bought (V) this laptop (O) two days ago (ADV)
5. keyboard = object
he (S) repairs (V) my keyboard (O) for free (ADV)
1 aja cukup buat kau contoh, 4 nya lagi kau usaha sendiri boy