5 soal di jawab yang benar ya kak.

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Incomplete Dialogues
Questions 1 to 5 are incomplete dialogues. Fou clauses/sentences, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D), are given beneath each question. You are to choose the one clause/sentence that best completes the dialogue. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

1. Teacher : How often do you check your teeth? Student : _____
A. I rarely see a dentist.
B. I always check my blood pressure regularly.
C. My tooth is getting worse.
D. The doctor examines my pulse.

2. Ella : What do you usually do on Sunday?
Nia :_______
A.I went to Bandung with my family.
B. We will visit our uncle.
C. I watch movies sometimes.
D. I always like Sundays.

3. Prima: Your brother is an interpreter, isn't he?
Noval: Yes,_____ In addition he can speak German, French, and Russian.
A. he makes the transcript of the conversation.
B. he translates from one language to another.
C. he is good at entrepreneurship knowledge.
D. he always travels around the world.

4. Anis : What're your brother's pastimes during the weekend?
Ayu : ______He's fond of surfing.
A. He likes to stay at home.
B. He often hangs out with his friends.
C. He usually goes to the beach.
D. He spends most of the time in the court.

5.Bram: What does Mr. Taryo usually do every morning?
Supri: ___
A.He always drives his children to school.
B. He sometimes drives his own car.
C He usually needs someone's help.
D. He likes to do it every morning.​

5 soal di jawab yang benar ya kak.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Berikut jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut:

  1. A. I rarely see a dentist.
  2. C. I watch movies sometimes.
  3. B. He translates from one language to another.
  4. C. He usually goes to the beach.
  5. A. He always drives his children to school.


Pada soal kita diminta untuk melengkapi jawaban setiap dialog menggunakan jawaban yang tepat. Berikut penjelasan untuk tiap jawaban:

  1. Guru bertanya seberapa sering kamu mengunjungi dokter gigi. Maka jawaban yang tepat ialah saya jarang mengunjungi dokter gigi.
  2. Ella bertanya apa yang biasanya Nia lakukan pada hari Minggu. Maka jawaban yang tepat ialah biasanya saya menonton TV.
  3. Prima bertanya apakah benar kakak Noval adalah seorang penerjemah. Maka jawaban Noval ialah Iya, dia menerjemahkan satu bahasa ke bahasa lainnya.
  4. Anis bertanya apa yang dilakukan kakak Ayu pada akhir pekan. Maka jawabannya ialah dia biasanya suka ke pantai.
  5. Bram bertanya apa yang Pak Taryo biasanya lakukan setiap pagi. Maka jawaban yang tepat ialah dia biasanya mengantar anak-anaknya ke sekolah.

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