5. your soup is ……… a. suit b. Delicious c. Beautiful d. Amazing e. Cute 6. The panorama of that mountain is a. suit b. Delicious c. Beautiful d. good e. Cute 7. He is ……. To fishing in the sea a. Like b. Going c. Would d. Will e. Wish 8. They ……..like to go to canteen a. Like b. Going c. Would d. Will e. Wish 9. I ……..make a banana cake a. Like b. Going c. Would d. Will e. Wish

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5. your soup is ……… a. suit b. Delicious c. Beautiful d. Amazing e. Cute 6. The panorama of that mountain is a. suit b. Delicious c. Beautiful d. good e. Cute 7. He is ……. To fishing in the sea a. Like b. Going c. Would d. Will e. Wish 8. They ……..like to go to canteen a. Like b. Going c. Would d. Will e. Wish 9. I ……..make a banana cake a. Like b. Going c. Would d. Will e. Wish


5. b. Delicious


7. b. Going

8. b. Going

9. a. Like


maaf bila ada yang salah semoga membantu^-^