a. Tell us about past in the present
b. Introducing the other participant
c. Using chronological connection
d. Tell the truth
7. In November of 1863, the city of Atlanta _____ during Sherman’s famous “March to the Sea”. *
a. Completely was burned
b. Was completely burned
c. It was burned completely
d. Completely burned it
8. The proposal ______ discussed when I called the office this morning. *
a. have been
b. been
c. was being
d. being
9. The purpose of recount text is…… *
a. Giving information about events in the past
b. Retelling events and c. experience in the past
Tell the past
d. Reveal every events in up to day
10. Many books _____, but one of the best is “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carniegie. *
a. About successful
b.Have written about success
c. Have been written about success
d. Written about success
6. Language features of the recount text is… *
semoga benar ya
7. b
8. a
10. c
no 6 dan 9 tidak terlihar ada teksnya.
semoga membantu yaa