6.why does the audience like her perfomance?

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7.what is hear dream?
8.what is a good title of the text abuve
9.what kind of person is she?
10.what does the next describe?person of thing?

6.why does the audience like her perfomance?

6.why does the audience like her perfomance?


6. why does the audience like her performance?

Because she always gives her best performance to her audience.

7. what is her dream?

She dreams to become a well-known dancer and to own a dancing company.

8. what is a good title of the text above?

A Famous Friend

9. what kind of person is she?

She is an energetic, friendly and active person.

10. what does the text describe? A person of thing?

The text describe about a person and the person's name is Susanti.


6. Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf ke-2 baris ke-5 dan ke-6.

7. Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf ke-3 baris ke-4 dan ke-5.

8. Judul yang kira kira sesuai dengan teks seperti pada jawaban di atas.

9. Jawaban terdapat pada paragraf ke-1 baris ke-1 sampai ke-3.

10. Teks tersebut mendeskripsikan tentang seseorang yang bernama Susanti.

Semoga membantu ya.


6. Because she always gives her best performance to serve their eyes with an enjoyable and unforgettable scene.

7. She dreamed to become a well-known dancer and own a dancing company, if she had enough money.

8. Susanti

9. She is friendly, energetic, and one of the most trusted student in the said school. Also she is the kind of student every school wanted to have.

10. The text describe about a person, Susanti.

Kebetulan agak g a b u t

Maaf jika banyak kekurangan.

Senang bisa menjawab


-No. 6 ada di kalimat akhir paragraf kedua.

-No. 7 ada di kalimat terakhir paragraf ketiga(terakhir)

-No. 8 simpel aja, kan itu semua tentang Susanti.

-No. 9 lihat dari gambaran yang ada di paragraf satu, dan gambaran di paragraf berikutnya. Dari situ bisa dilihat bahwa dia itu ramah(friendly), lincah(energetic), dan (bisa dibilang) orang yang paling dipercaya di bidangnya(buktinya dia jadi delegasi sekolah).

-No. 10 udah pasti menggambarkan orang. Penari pula. Kalo dipikir pun, mana ada barang yang bisa nari(kecuali robot, itupun kalo ada yang mau bikin).