7. Jessica: Desy … can I get to the supermarket? You go straight on Jalan Kamboja, then turn right on Jalan Melati. The supermarket is on the left, before the cinema. Putri’s Zahra’s house house 8. Complete the dialog based on the picture below! Satrio : How can I get to your house? Putri : Go…, then turn … on Jalan Manggis Jalan Manggis. My house is.. : Zahra’s house. Across from the drugstore. OB Satrio : Oh, I see. Thank you, Putri n Putri : Don’t mention it. : 22 Look at the traffic lights and ansialer the auctionet​

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7. Jessica: Desy … can I get to the supermarket? You go straight on Jalan Kamboja, then turn right on Jalan Melati. The supermarket is on the left, before the cinema. Putri’s Zahra’s house house 8. Complete the dialog based on the picture below! Satrio : How can I get to your house? Putri : Go…, then turn … on Jalan Manggis Jalan Manggis. My house is.. : Zahra’s house. Across from the drugstore. OB Satrio : Oh, I see. Thank you, Putri n Putri : Don’t mention it. : 22 Look at the traffic lights and ansialer the auctionet​

7. How
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