A. The condition of oil and gas industry
B. The prospect of oil and gas industry.
C. PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia.
D. The slowness of oil and gas jobs.
E. Oil and gas activity this year.
8) PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Indonesia has revealed that …
A. oil markets will continue to clear the upstream industry
B. oil companies will reduce their workers this year
C. oil markets will keep on surviving this year
D. oil companies in Indonesia will decrease
E. oil markets will keep thriving this year
9) "… would decrease capital expenditure, one-third would increase it." (Paragraph5) The underlined word is
closest in meaning to ….
A expense
B. income
C. export
D. selling
E. effort
7)what is the topic of the text?
7. e. oil and gas activity this year
8. d. oil companies in Indonesia Will decrease.
9. a. expense