8. The person who gives a congratulation is . . . .

Posted on

a. Rika
b. Salma
c. Sakti
d. Amanda

10. Read the following table, then choose the
true statement according to the texts.

Text A

Dear Salma, From the deepest of my heart, I feel sorry for the death of your beloved sister. Sincerely, Rika

Text B

To Sakti, I,m glad that now you are chosen as the captain of our basketball team. Congratulation ! Amanda

a. Sakti gives congratulation to Amanda
b. Sakti is in the basketball team
C. Both Amanda and Rika express a sympathy
d. Salma expresses condolence to Rika​

8. The person who gives a congratulation is . . . .

8. The person who gives a congratulation is . . . .


1 D. Amanda


Karena terlihat dari gambar tersebut pengirim teks tersebut adalah Amanda(terletak di bagian bawah kanan)

2 D Salma expresses condolence to Rika


Karena sudah sangat jelas Salma mengekspresikan konsolidasi kepada Rika karena meninggalnya Kakak Salma

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