match the words with their definitions and write your translation next to the English…ini soal ya kak ​

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match the words with their definitions and write your translation next to the English...ini soal ya kak ​

match the words with their definitions and write your translation next to the English…ini soal ya kak ​

  1. Stone = rock (H)
  2. Shadow = a dark area (J)
  3. Ancient = very old (A)
  4. Builder = a person build things (E)
  5. Heavy = Quality of being difficult to understand (G)
  6. Season = something that shows the months of the year (C)
  7. Heavy = many kilos (B)
  8. Nature = the power of Earth .. people (D)
  9. Religious = about faith,worship (I)
  10. Purpose = Reason (F)


  1. Stone = Batu
  2. Shadow = Bayangan
  3. Ancient = Kuno
  4. Builder = Tukang Bangunan
  5. Heavy = Sulit
  6. Season = Musim
  7. Heavy = Berat
  8. Nature = Alam
  9. Religious = Kepercayaan/Keyakinan/Agama
  10. Purpose = Alasan

Semoga membantu.