Seharusnya, Pendidikan Tinggi Juga Prioritaskan Pelajar Kurang MampU
GEORGETOWN – Banyak pelajar yang berasal dari kalangan kurang mampu memiliki kualifikasi untuk terpilih di kampus yang mereka daftarkan. Namun faktanya, pelajar dari kalangan kurang mampu justru lebih banyak diterima di kampus-kampus dengan daya kelulusan yang rendah.
Demikian diungkapkan dari Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, seperti dinukil dari laman The Hechinger Report, Rabu (10/5/2017).
Sebuah studi yang kontradiksi juga menunjukkan bahwa para pelajar dari kalangan kurang mampu terkualifikasi masuk ke kampus-kampus top dunia. Namun faktanya, menurut Report’s Lead Author and Director of the Georgetown Center, Anthony Carnevale, pendaftaran di kampus-kampus top lebih banyak melihat pendapatan keluarga yang tinggi.
Banyak Pelajar Stres saat Mendaftar ke Perguruan Tinggi
“Pendidikan di kampus lebih terbuka hanya untuk kaum kaya raya,” ungkapnya.
Sebanyak 8% dari pelajar kurang mampu yang telah terpilih biasanya akan lulus. Jika dibandingkan dengan 48% yang memilih ke community college dan institusi lainnya.
Berbeda dengan kampus swasta yang sama sekali tidak bisa memperjuangkan untuk membantu siswa dari kalangan kurang mampu agar bisa melanjutkan ke kampus top. Padahal rata-rata mereka yang terseleksi di kampus top dunia, memiliki dana surplus tahunan sebesar USD139 juta. Seharusnya, mereka dapat menggunakan anggaran tersebut untuk membantu pelajar kurang mampu.
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Supposedly, Higher Education Also Prioritize Less Learned Students
GEORGETOWN – Many of the less fortunate students have the qualifications to choose from on the campus they register. However, in fact, less well-off students are more welcome on campuses with low graduation.
Thus from the Georgetown University Center on Education and Labor, as quoted from page The Hechinger Report, Wednesday (05/10/2017).
A contradictory study also shows that students from underprivileged qualifications enter the world's top campuses. But in fact, according to Central Report Writer and Director of Georgetown Center, Anthony Carnevale, enrollment at college campuses is mostly looking at high family income.
Many Students of Stress when Applying to Higher Education
"Education on campus is more open only to the rich," he said.
As many as 8% of underprivileged students who have been elected will usually graduate. When compared with 48% who chose to community college and other institutions.
Unlike the private campus that both can not fight for helping students from the poor to be able to continue to the top campus. Relax the average of those selected in the world's top campus, has an annual surplus of USD139 million. Supposedly, they can use the budget to help underprivileged students.