Text dialog giving opinion about korupsi

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Text dialog giving opinion about korupsi

A: do you know Gayus Tinambunan?
B: yes, why?
A: do you know that he's a corruptor in our country?
B: really? I never heard about that.
A: yeah, he spent lots money from our country. what do u think about that?
B: Aw that's not fair. I think that he needs to stop do that, that's our country money right.
A: you right! I agree

Eka : " dina , what do you think about corruption ? "
dina: " i think corruption is a bad thing too do , because the curroptor steal a money from the folk , so he/she can be rich , how about you eka what do you think?"
eka : " i was going to answer the same as you , dina "