1. What happend when you get the Corona virus disease?

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2. Can you contract the coronavirus disease?
3. What is the incubation periode of the Corona virus disease?
4. Are animals responsible for covid 19 in People?
5. Can human transmit covid 19 virus to animals?

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1. What happend when you get the Corona virus disease?


1. What happend when you get the Corona virus disease?

2. Can you contract the coronavirus disease?

3. What is the incubation periode of the Corona virus disease?

4. Are animals responsible for covid 19 in People?

5. Can human transmit covid 19 virus to animals?


1.COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is a disease caused by a new type of coronavirus, namely Sars-CoV-2, which was first reported in Wuhan China on December 31, 2019. COVID-19 can cause symptoms of acute respiratory problems such as fever above 38 ° C, cough and shortness of breath for humans.

2.Even so, the World Health Organization (WHO) explained that receiving a package from China would not make someone contract the Corona Covid-19 virus.

3."For the corona virus, the incubation period is usually 7-14 days. So, the public must understand very well, these symptoms do not appear immediately after exposure, "explained dr. Arina. Meanwhile, according to WHO, symptoms appear 5-6 days on average after infection. However, it can take up to 14 days.

4.do not know

5.We already know a lot about other viruses in the coronavirus family and most of these types of viruses come from animals. The COVID-19 virus (also known as SARS-CoV-2) is a new virus in humans. The possible source animal of COVID-19 is currently uncertain but research is ongoing.


1. Apa yang terjadi bila Anda terkena penyakit virus Corona?

2. Apakah Anda bisa tertular penyakit coronavirus?

3. Bagaimana masa inkubasi penyakit virus Corona?

4. Apakah hewan bertanggung jawab atas COVID-19 pada Manusia?

5. Bisakah manusia menularkan virus covid 19 ke hewan?


1.COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh jenis coronavirus baru yaitu Sars-CoV-2, yang dilaporkan pertama kali di Wuhan Tiongkok pada tanggal 31 Desember 2019. COVID-19 ini dapat menimbulkan gejala gangguan pernafasan akut seperti demam diatas 38°C, batuk dan sesak nafas bagi manusia.

2.Meskipun begitu, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menjelaskan bahwa menerima paket dari Cina tidak akan membuat seseorang tertular virus Corona Covid-19.

3.“Kalau virus corona biasanya masa inkubasi 7-14 hari. Jadi, masyarakat harus mengerti betul, gejala itu nggak langsung muncul setelah terpapar,” jelas dr. Arina. Sementara, menurut WHO gejala yang muncul rata-rata 5-6 hari setelah terinfeksi. Namun, bisa juga sampai 14 hari.

4.tidak tahu

5.Kita sudah banyak mengetahui tentang virus lain dalam keluarga coronavirus dan sebagian besar jenis virus ini berasal dari hewan. Virus COVID-19 (disebut juga SARS-CoV-2) adalah virus baru pada manusia. Kemungkinan hewan sumber COVID-19 saat ini belum dipastikan tetapi penelitian sedang berlangsung.