10. According to Glenn, what determined the

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success of the performance?
A Their togetherness.
B. Their intelligence,
C. Their hard efforts,
His good storywriting.
E. The main character's performance​

10. According to Glenn, what determined the

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According to Glenn, what determined the success of the performances?

A. Their togetherness.

Jawaban dapat dilihat pada kata "cohesiveness" yang diucapkan oleh Glenn.

Cohesiveness berarti kekompakan.


Dialog yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan di atas adalah

Ira: Congratulation on your success in the drama performance last night! It was really amazing!

Glenn: Thank. It was teamwork and it would not have been successful without cohesiveness.

Ira: Yes, and your team had proven it! Anyway, who was the scriptwriter?

Glenn: I was, of course with the help of the others. What do you thing?

Ira: That’s good. The story contained unpredictable events with a satisfying end.

Glenn: Thanks.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai When was the drama performed pada brainly.co.id/tugas/20289043
