Unforgettable moment

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Two days ago, jenny and eric had dinner at an Italian restaurant. Both of them ordered one medium pizza. Jenny had a bowl of soup as the appetizer and Eric had a bowl of fruit salad. They ordered soft drink for Eric and orange for jenny.

They enjoyed their meal until jenny found a piece of button in her soup. They made a complaint to the restaurant manager. They asked for a replacement. The manager was very sorry about it and gave them the replacement of the soup.

1. what is the main idea of the second paragraph?
2. why did jenny make a complaint?
3. what does the manager do for the mistake?
4. find the verb from the text above?

Unforgettable moment

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. Jenny found a piece of button in her soup and complained to the manager.
2. Jenny found a piece of button in her soup.
3. The manager gave her a replacement of the soup.
4. had dinner, ordered, enjoyed, made, asked, gave

Semoga Membantu, jika puas dengan jawaban saya berikan terima kasih dan membuat jawaban saya sebagai yang terbaik. Makasih ^___^