4. Father: Lina,

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lazy. Help your Mom
cook in the kitchen.
Lina :OK, Dad.
A. please be
B. let's be
C. don't be
D. being
5. Robert
John, may I borrow your pencil?
I'm still using it.
A. Sorry
B. Sure
C. Of course
D. Yes, you may.
the light, Sir. It's very
6. Student : May!
dark here.
Teacher : Sure.
A. switch off
B. switch on
C. put out
D. put on
7. Victor : Where's Dad?
Michael : He's taking a nap. Please
He looks very tired.
Victor : All right
A. Not wake him up
B. Not to wake him up
C. Don't to wake him up
D. Don't wake him up​

4. Father: Lina,


4.) C. Don't be

5.) A. Sorry

6.) B. Switch on

7.) D. Don't wake him up