Activity 9

Posted on

Change the verb into the correct form, simple
present or simple past, active or passive.
Number 1 has been done for you.
1. The letter (post)
was posted two weeks ago. It (arrive) arrived yesterday.
2. I was born in Malang, but I (grow)
up in Lampung
3. Water (cover)
most of the Earth's surface.
4. The ship (sink)
quickly, fortunately everybody (rescue)
5. Many traffic accidents (cause)
by careless drivers.
6. Football is a very popular game. It (play)
in almost all countries.
7. The company (own)
by a famous celebrity
from my
8. While I was on holiday, my mobile phone (steal)
hotel room.
9. Turtles (be)
10. The hunters (capture)
a female elephant last week.
11. Where (take)
these photographs
? In Pekanbaru?​

Activity 9


2. grew

3. covered

4. sank, was rescued

5. are caused

6. is played

7. is owned

8. stole(?)

9. are

10. captured

11. to take(?)