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Ibuku seseorang yang sangat posesif. Ia bahkan menelfon ku berkali kali saat aku pulang telat. Ia ibu yang sangat perhatian. Ketika aku sakit, ia akan panik. Ia bahkan memberikan perhatian penuh saat aku sakit. Dia juga pandai dalam hal memasak. Masakannya sangat enak menurut ku. Ibuku kadang suka mengatur, tapi itu tidak masalah karna itu bukti dia sayang padaku. Dia akan sangat sedih jika aku tidak menuruti perkataannya

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My mother is a very possessive person. He even called me many times when I came home late. She was a very considerate mother. When I get sick, he will panic. He even gave my full attention when I was sick. He is also good at cooking. The cuisine is very tasty to me. My mother sometimes likes to organize, but it does not matter because it's proof she loves me. He will be very sad if I do not obey his words

My mom is a possessive people. He even called me when I went home late. She's a mom who really paying attention to me. When I'm sick, she's panic. She even pay attention to me when I'm sick. She also is good at cooking. Her culinary is tasty for me. My mom also keeps set everything, but that is not a problem because it is a evidence that she loves me. She will be so sad if I didn't follow her rules.