Susunlah percakapan berikut!

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Rina: if you are still there, You
must be very busy. How
do you me need your time?

Rina: congratulation on the
opening of your new

Rina: wish you luck! anyway,
starting a business is
hard work.

Rina: I see.

Alya: no, I still work there.

Alya: I don't run the bootique
by myself, instead I run it
with my cousin.

Alya: Thank you, It's my first
business And I hope it
Runs well.​

Susunlah percakapan berikut!


Rina: Congratulation on the opening of your new bootique!

Alya: Thank you, it's my first business and I hope it runs well.

Rina: Wish you luck! Anyway, starting a business is a hard work.

Alya: I don't run the bootique by myself, instead I run it with my cousin.

Rina: If you are still there, you must be very busy. How do you need your time?

Alya: No, I still work there.

Rina: I see.

Maaf jika ada salah. ☺