dwi:mom,did you know where i can buy the stamp? mom:you can buy it in the stationary which it is located in the corner of this block dwi:how i can get there? mom:just go straight this road and you will see it in front of the hospital dwi:thank so much,mom…bye mom:bye. With whom did Dwi speak?

Posted on

dwi:mom,did you know where i can buy the stamp? mom:you can buy it in the stationary which it is located in the corner of this block dwi:how i can get there? mom:just go straight this road and you will see it in front of the hospital dwi:thank so much,mom…bye mom:bye. With whom did Dwi speak?


Dwi speak with his/her mother

(his digunakan jika Dwi seorang laki-laki. Her digunakan jika Dwi seorang perempuan).