Buat 10 kalimat (masing-masing) tentang contoh struktur: Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, Present Continuous Tense, & Voice Pasif​

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Buat 10 kalimat (masing-masing) tentang contoh struktur: Simple Present Tense, Simple Past Tense, Present Continuous Tense, & Voice Pasif​



1. They go to the beach on weekend.

2. They enjoy the sunset.

3. I read one novel every month.

4. She always enjoys her trip to that market.

5. Harry reads a newspaper before working.

6. I am happy with you.

7. She is very patient and intelligent.

8. Budi is good at counting numbers.

9. They are in Paris.

10. My parents are at home.


1. I went to Jogyakarta with my friends last week.

2. Dion won the speech contest in his school two days ago.

3. He sent a letter to his friend last Sunday.

4. She went to Cinema last night.

5. I planned my summer holiday last week.

6. Last year we went to Malang.

7. I ate my lunch an hour ago.

8. She studied Math yesterday.

9. My cat drank chocolate milk two days ago.

10. They had dinner with Mr.President yesterday.


1. The house is cleaned by Rita once a week.

2. The car was repaired by Doni yesterday.

3. That beach has been visited by many tourists.

4. The food is going to be cooked by mother tonight.

5. The plant is watered by Cindy everu two days.

6. The book was read by Gina yesterday.

7. The house is going to be sold.

8. The tasks will have been completed before thw deadline.

9. The cake would always be made by my mother.

10. The problem cannot be solved by me.