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8. Complete the following dialogue with the appropriate expression!
Roni : "What should we do for our group project?”
A. I don't think so.
B. Are you sure?
C. I think we should do a small presentation.
D. I doubt that.
The following dialogue is for questions number 9 to 12.
Jimmy : “Hi Sonny! I need some help here"
Sonny : “Hi Jimmy. Help for what?”
Jimmy "My bicycle has been damage, I have some items to fix this bicycle but I can't fix this
stuff. Can you fix my bicycle Sonny?"
Sonny “Sure Why Not? Because my father always teaching me for repairing a bicycle”
Jimmy : “Really? Wow that sounds awesome! Alright let's finish this job my best friend"
Sonny : "Thanks for your compliment. Alright, I will finish it"
9. What is the dialogue tell us about?
A. Jimmy's ability in repairing bicycle
B. Sonny's ability in repairing bicycle
C. How Jimmy repairing bicycle
D. Sonny's bicycle
10. According to the dialogue above we can say that…
A. Sonny is able to repair a bicycle
B. Jimmy's bicycle has been broken
C. Sonny needs his father to repair the bicycle
D. Jimmy's father always teaches him to repair a bicycle​




8. C

9. B

10. D

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