The following text is for questions 15 and 16.

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There is a parrot in my house. Its name is Blue
Its feathers are blue, but there are two long black
feathers on its tail it is so clever. It can imitate
several sounds. There is a house bell in my house
It usually produces the sound of the bell after the
bell rings
Then. Blue can imitate my alarm sound The
bird uses it to wake me up. There is a branch in my
room. It usually perches on it. At night it usually
sleeps in a cage

15. Where does the bird make an alarm sound?
A. Outside its cage
B. Near the front door
C. In the living room
D. Inside the writer's room

16. What makes Blue special?
A. It can imitate several different sounds.
B. It can give an announcement to the owner,
C There are several alarm sounds to wake up
the owner
D. There are two feathers with different
colors on its tail

tolong di bantu ini mau di kumpukan besok​

The following text is for questions 15 and 16.

15. A. Outside its cage
16. A. It can imitate several different sounds


15. A. Outside Its Cage

Karena pada teks tersebut, penulis mengatakan bahwa burungnya membangunkan ia dari tidur di kamarnya.

16. A. It Can Imitate Several Different Sounds

Jawaban tertera pada teks bagian paragraf pertama.