Find the phrasal verbs in the sentences below, then use context to guess the meaning of each verb!

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1. When jason’s father found out that his son had been watching movies, he was very upset. _______________
2. Jason didn’t pick the car up until after six o’clock. _________________
3. Jason didn’t show up at four o’clock to get his father because he was at the movie theatre watching a film. _________________
4. After Jason dropped the car off at the garage, he went to the movies. ______________
5. Parents are responsible for bringing up their children. ______________
6. The price of petrol may go up again next months. _______________
7. The old son doesn’t get on with his father. ___________________
8. I persuaded my brother to give up smoking. ___________________
9. It took her a long time to get over her illness. ___________________
10. I can’t make any sandwiches, because we’ve had run out of bread. ______________

Find the phrasal verbs in the sentences below, then use context to guess the meaning of each verb!


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