Give a respon each of sentences based on the situation below !

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1.Susi is the best singer in SMPN 15.
She will have a song competition tomorrow.
Budi and Andi come to pray her.
2.Rini had a toothache.
Tiara comes and says her wishes.
3.Tono comes to Endi's father's funeral.
Tono prays for Endi's father.
4.Indra is going to have Badminton game.
Bima and krisna came to say their hopes for him.
5.Bimo wins the story telling contest in his school.
Lena comes to say her hopes to him.

Give a respon each of sentences based on the situation below !

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Jawaban :

1. Susi is the best singer in SMPN 15.  She will have a song competition tomorrow. Budi and Andi come to pray her

  • well done Susi, It was great to hear about you will have a song competition. Good luck !

2. Rini had a toothache, Tiara comes and says her wishes

  • I am sorry to hear that, I hope you will get well soon

3. Tono comes to Endi's father's funeral.  Tono prays for Endi's father

  • Please accept my condolence, I am so sorry to hear about your father

4. Indra is going to have Badminton game.  Bima and krisna came to say their hopes for him

  • Good Luck ! I am happy for you, I wish you will be the winner

5. Bimo wins the story telling contest in his school. Lena comes to say her hopes to him

  • Congratulation to you about your wins, I hope you will always to be a winner

Penjelasan :

Terjemahan dari soal dan jawaban diatas :

1. Susi adalah penyanyi terbaik di SMPN 15.  Dia akan mengadakan kompetisi lagu besok. Budi dan Andi datang untuk mendoakannya

  • Selamat Susi, Senang sekali mendengar kalian akan mengadakan kompetisi lagu. Semoga berhasil !

2. Rini sakit gigi, Tiara datang dan mengucapkan keinginannya

  • Saya turut prihatin mendengarnya, saya harap kamu segera sembuh

3. Tono datang ke pemakaman ayah Endi.  Tono berdoa untuk ayah Endi

  • Terimalah belasungkawa saya, saya sangat menyesal mendengar tentang ayahmu

4. Indra akan mengadakan pertandingan bulu tangkis.  Bima dan Krisna datang untuk mengutarakan harapan mereka padanya

  • Semoga berhasil ! Saya senang, saya berharap kamu akan menjadi pemenang

5. Bimo memenangkan lomba bercerita di sekolahnya. Lena datang untuk mengatakan harapannya padanya

  • Selamat untuk atas kemenanganmu, saya berharap kamu akan selalu menjadi pemenang

Pelajari lebih lanjut :

materi expressing of congratulation dan responnya pada link
