Mr. Sartono

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I have a neighbor named Mr. Sartono. He is a … (1) man. Many people like him. This … (2) man
often throws … (3) jokes. Even though he is… (4), his jokes never go out of style. He always follows
the development of the age in terms of joking.
He always looks … (5) and cheerful. Mr. Sartono said, the secret to his health was that he often
laughed. Laughing can make us … (6). Besides being healthy, we will Idok … (7). That's a brief
explanation from him.
Mr. Sartono has three sons. I'm as old as her … (8) child. His name is Imron. Like his father,
Imron is also a funny person. He is not joking too much, but he is the … (9) laughter. The laughter
sounds very funny and can make other people laugh because of the way he laughs.
That is Mr. Sartono's family. They are a … (10) and friendly family.
f. perfect
g. fat
h. old enough
i. healthier
j. first

Mr. Sartono

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Mr. Sartono

I have a neighbor named Mr. Sartono. He is a funny man. Many people like him. This fat man often throws fresh jokes. Even though he is old enough, his jokes never go out of style. He always follows the development of the age in terms of joking. He always looks healthy and cheerful. Mr. Sartono said, the secret to his health was that he often laughed. Laughing can make us healthier. Besides being healthy, we will look younger. That's a brief explanation from him. Mr. Sartono has three sons. I'm as old as her first child. His name is Imron. Like his father, Imron is also a funny person. He is not joking too much, but he is the perfect laughter. The laughter sounds very funny and can make other people laugh because of the way he laughs. That is Mr. Sartono's family. They are a pleasant and friendly family.


Pak Sartono

Saya punya tetangga bernama Pak Sartono. Dia pria yang lucu. Banyak orang menyukainya. Pria gendut ini sering melempar lelucon segar. Meskipun dia sudah cukup tua, leluconnya tidak pernah ketinggalan zaman. Ia selalu mengikuti perkembangan zaman dalam hal bercanda. Dia selalu terlihat sehat dan ceria. Pak Sartono mengatakan, rahasia kesehatannya adalah dia sering  tertawa. Tertawa dapat membuat kita lebih sehat. Selain sehat, kita akan terlihat lebih muda. Itu sangat menjelaskan tentang dirinya yang terlihat selalu sehat. Pak Sartono memiliki tiga putra. Saya seumur dengan anak pertamanya. Namanya adalah Imron. Seperti ayahnya, Imron juga orang yang lucu. Dia tidak terlalu banyak bercanda, tetapi dia adalah tukang tertawa yang sempurna. Tawa itu terdengar sangat lucu dan bisa membuat orang lain tertawa karena caranya tertawa. Itu keluarga Pak Sartono. Mereka adalah keluarga yang menyenangkan dan ramah.

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