C. Arrange these following sentences into a good paragraph!

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1. I am proud of Indonesia!
2. Indonesia, as I know it well, is an archipelago comprising at around 17,000 islands.
3. It is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania.
4. It has 33 provinces with over 230 million people, including myself and is the world's fourth
most populous country.
Indonesia is the place where I can stand and live,
5.indonesia ia the place where i can stand and live​

C. Arrange these following sentences into a good paragraph!



Indonesia is the place where i can stand and live​. It is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. It has 33 provinces with over 230 million people, including myself and is the world's fourth  most populous country. Indonesia, as I know it well, is an archipelago comprising at around 17,000 islands. I am proud of Indonesia!


Indonesia adalah tempat di mana saya bisa berdiri dan hidup. Indonesia adalah negara di Asia Tenggara dan Oseania. Indonesia memiliki 33 provinsi dengan lebih dari 230 juta orang, termasuk saya dan Indonesia termasuk negara keempat di dunia dengan penduduk terpadat. Indonesia, seperti yang saya ketahui dengan baik, adalah negara kepulauan yang terdiri dari sekitar 17.000 pulau. Saya bangga dengan Indonesia!