Contoh recount text tentang liburan dan lebaran idul fitri

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Contoh recount text tentang liburan dan lebaran idul fitri

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Berikut adalah contoh recount text tentang liburan Lebaran:

Last Eid I had a very happy and enjoyable day and experience with friends and family. In fact, in my opinion, that day was the best Eid in my life.

On the eve of Eid I and my friends in the village went to the mosque together and recited the takbir all night. We were very happy and grateful. There was a lot of food in the mosque for children and adults who were doing takbiran.

In the morning our family and all the people in my village went to pray Eid in an open field in our village. We left at 6am, wearing our best clothes. I also wore new clothes that my parents bought me.

We performed Eid prayers and listened to the sermon. Then we all shook hands with all the villagers in the field. Then we went home to eat a lot of Eid food. There was Lebaran ketupat, there was curry, chicken opor, and there were very delicious and many Eid cakes.

Then we visited relatives' homes and gathered at Grandpa's house with the whole family. So much fun and I'm always waiting for the next Eid.


Recount text adalah teks yang berisi pengalaman di masa lampau, karena itu recount text ciri utamanya adalah selalu memakai past tense. Recount text mempunyai struktur:

Orientation yang berisi pendahuluan.

Events yang berisi peristiwa yang dialami.

Conclusion yang berisi kesimpulan.

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Detail Jawaban:

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris 5

Bab: 3

Kode: 10.5.3

#AyoBelajar #SPJ2