Change into passive

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1.somebody sends emails
2.some students read alot of book
3.the girl buys flowers for the flat
4.i found the key
5.the students made mistakes
6.somebody stole my wallet sister has watered the flowers
8.the man has taken the money
9.the government is planing a new road near my house
10.he is writing some stories now

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Change into passive


1. Emails are sent by someone

2. A lot of book are read by some students

3. Flowers are bought by the girl for the flat

4. The key was found by me

5. Mistakes were made by the student

6. My wallet was stolen by somebody

7. Flowers have been watered by my sister

8. The money has been taken by the man

9. A new road near my house is being planned by the government

10. Some stories are being written by him now


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