artikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia there is nobody at home most of the day. both my mother and my father go to work, and the childen go to school. but we usually have breaktasi and dinner fogether. we do not only eat, but we also talk, chat, and tell jokes.

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artikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia there is nobody at home most of the day. both my mother and my father go to work, and the childen go to school. but we usually have breaktasi and dinner fogether. we do not only eat, but we also talk, chat, and tell jokes.


Biasanya tidak ada orang di rumah. Ibu dan ayahku pergi untuk kerja, dan anak-anak pergi ke sekolah. Tetapi kami biasanya mengadakan sarapan dan makan malam bersama. Kami tidak hanya makan, tetapi juga berbicara, mengobrol, dan menceritakan lelucon.

maaf kalau salah


There is nobody at home most of the day.

Both my mother and my father go to work, and the children go to school.

but we usually have breakfast and dinner together.

we do not only eat, but we also talk, chat, and tell jokes.


Seharian di rumah tak ada orang.

Keduanya, Ibu dan Ayahku pergi bekerja dan anak yang lain pergi ke sekolah.

Tapi kami biasanya tetap sarapan dan makan malam bersama.

Kami tidak hanya makan saja, tapi kami juga berbicara, mengobrol dan bercanda ria.

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