Complete the paragraph below using to be (is, am or are) and pronouns! Number one is done for you.

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Hello, my name (1) is Rudy Saputra. Everyone Calls (2) ….. Rudy. I was born in Malang on th 7th May, 2006. I am twelve years old. I (3) …. a student at SMPN 3 Batam. I am in the seventh grade. I live in Jakarta with my parents and my siblings. My father’s name is Bowo Saputra. (4) …. is 44 years old. He is a lecturer. He teaches English at a public university. (5) …. Mother’s name is Rika Angelina. She is 42 years old. (6) …. is a dentist. I have two older brothers. (7) …. names are Dimas and Raka. Dimas is 17 years old. He (8) … a high school student. Raka is 15 years old. He is also a high school student. (9) …. go to the same school. That is all about me and (10) … Family. ​

Complete the paragraph below using to be (is, am or are) and pronouns! Number one is done for you.


2. Me

3. Am

4. He

5. My

6. Ehe

7. Their

8. Is

9. They

10. My