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To: All Grade 7 Students
Since you are not library members yet, you need to complete the document below:
1. Registration form (available at the library)
2. 2 color photographs (2 x 3 cm in size)
3. A recommendation letter from the principal
You'll be attended by the library officer from September 2-16, 2016 during working hour. The card
will be in your hand a week after the closing date of registration. Being a member is obligatory in our
school. Make sure that you submit all the document.
Mr. Raja
Head of Library
10. What is the writer's intention to write the text above?
A. To inform the deadline of the registration
B. To give information about the size of the photographs.
C. To explain about the obligation of being a library member of the school.
D. To ask the Grade 7 students to complete the document to be a library member.
11. We can assume that being a library member is ….
A very important for a student
B. the head of library's suggestion
C. not useful for the grade 7 students
D. something troublesome for the students​



10. c

11. a


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