1. Jakarta is … than Bandung (Big)

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2. Our final scores are … than our midterm score (good)
3. Surabaya is … than Bandung or Semarang (busy)
4. My car is … than his uncle (old)
5. My aunt is … than my mother (famous)
6. Rina is … than Rudi (deligent)
7. Rina's bag is … than titi's bag (expensive)
8. Pensil A is … than pensil B (short)
9. Tia's ruler is … than plia's ruler (cheap)
10. The film on the movie is … than on the tv (interesting) ​

1. Jakarta is … than Bandung (Big)

1. bigger

2. better

3. busier

4. older

5. more famous

6. more deligent

7. more expensive

8. shorter

9. cheaper

10. more interesting

maaf klo slh