Hi plis tolongin donggg​

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Hi plis tolongin donggg​

Hi plis tolongin donggg​

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. As the weather was cold, I wore my wool coat.

2. She worked hard, therefore she made herself ill.

3. Because the car was expensive, we couldn’t afford it.

4. The box is heavy, therefore I can’t lift it.

5. Since the music was loud, we couldn’t sleep all night.


Untuk membuat cause and effect sentence, maka perlu menggunakan kata hubung (conjunction).

Conjunction adalah kata hubung yang digunakan untuk menggabungkan lebih dari satu frasa atau kata untuk menunjukkan hubungan tertentu. Salah satunya adalah menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat (cause – effect).

Beberapa contoh conjunction cause-effect yang sering digunakan antara lain:

  • Due to (disebabkan oleh)
  • Since (disebabkan)
  • As (karena)
  • Because (karena)
  • Owing to (karena)
  • Thanks to (disebabkan/berkat)
  • As a result (hasilnya/akhirnya/akibatnya)
  • Therefore (karena itu)
  • Consequently (akibatnya)
  • So that (sehingga)
  • Accordingly (karena itu)
  • For (karena)

Aturan penggunaan conjunction cause effect dalam kalimat sebagai berikut :

Untuk conjunction as a result, accordingly, for, as, because dan since selalu diikuti dengan klausa (mengandung subject dan verb didalamnya).

Untuk conjunction thanks to, due to, because of, dan owing to selalu diikuti dengan frasa benda (noun) atau gerund (kata kerja yang dibendakan).


1. The weather was cold. I wore my wool coat.

Combined sentence:

  • As the weather was cold, I wore my wool coat.
  • Due to the cold weather, I wore my wool coat.

2. She worked hard. She made herself ill.

Combined sentence:

  • She worked hard, therefore she made herself ill.
  • Because of working hard, she made herself ill.

3. The car was expensive. We couldn’t afford it.

Combined sentence:

  • Because the car was expensive, we couldn’t afford it.
  • As the car was expensive, we couldn’t afford it.

4. The box is heavy. I can’t lift it.

Combined sentence:

  • The box is heavy, therefore I can’t lift it.
  • Since the box is heavy, I can’t lift it.

5. The music was loud. We couldn’t sleep all night.

Combined sentence:

  • Since the music was loud, we couldn’t sleep all night.
  • Due to the loud music, we couldn’t sleep all night.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi mengenai conjunction



Kelas: 12

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Bab 9 – Connective

Kode: 12.5.9
