Contoh personal message

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Contoh personal message

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Dear alex,

I’am sory i can’t come to your home last day because i’am very busy preparing for my bussnise.I hope you will understand , I’ll be happy if you invite me again to come your home and i’ll try to come.
In Holiday,would you like to enjoy with me and our friends ? We can hiking together at Bromo  Mountain or We can waste our time in a Beach ? hehehe I hope you can come ,We waiting you 

I hope you will reply this message, and send my best regards to your parents.

Your sincerely,


Contact : lisa 
from : mika

hi lisa , it's mika  i found your phone number from edo , ooh yea it's a long time i haven't see you i've missed you so much we used to be best friend but we got seperate because a diffrent school we attend , how are your parents doing and if you read this message please replay it 🙂