Task 3 Full the blank with the words in the box! 1. My sister has … hair. 2. Aldo is hiding behind the … tree. 3. My sister loves to cover her… songs. 4. I can’t lift that box. That is very ….. 5. Vina is very … in her school. She is smart and kind. 6. This bag was pretty …. I bought it at the night market. z I had a dream last night and it felt like a … event. a 8. My mother loves this dress because of its … design. 9. I don’t know why I am … and my brother is tall. 10. Arka is very … because he got a new bicycle. short cheap Real curly popular big favorite simple happy heavy

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Task 3 Full the blank with the words in the box! 1. My sister has … hair. 2. Aldo is hiding behind the … tree. 3. My sister loves to cover her… songs. 4. I can’t lift that box. That is very ….. 5. Vina is very … in her school. She is smart and kind. 6. This bag was pretty …. I bought it at the night market. z I had a dream last night and it felt like a … event. a 8. My mother loves this dress because of its … design. 9. I don’t know why I am … and my brother is tall. 10. Arka is very … because he got a new bicycle. short cheap Real curly popular big favorite simple happy heavy


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