At that time, I will go on a visit to Surabaya. This is my first visit with friends at school, the day before my visit I prepare what to bring for the next day Then we are required to leave at 6 am after that we wait for other friends, after waiting for us to leave by bus, we went to HOS Tjokroaminoto’s house, when we got there the air was very hot, then we were told the history of HOS Tjokroaminoto’s history after that we went to Mr. Sukarno’s grave there we prayed, after we prayed we went to the market and bought souvenirs, after satisfied shopping we continued to go to the museum (I forgot the name of the museum) there were many historical relics and we saw see, after we finished we went to go home to school because it was late we went to our bus, then we told about the visit while on the way

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guys bisa carikan ciri ciri dari recount teks ini tidak, terimakasih​

At that time, I will go on a visit to Surabaya. This is my first visit with friends at school, the day before my visit I prepare what to bring for the next day Then we are required to leave at 6 am after that we wait for other friends, after waiting for us to leave by bus, we went to HOS Tjokroaminoto’s house, when we got there the air was very hot, then we were told the history of HOS Tjokroaminoto’s history after that we went to Mr. Sukarno’s grave there we prayed, after we prayed we went to the market and bought souvenirs, after satisfied shopping we continued to go to the museum (I forgot the name of the museum) there were many historical relics and we saw see, after we finished we went to go home to school because it was late we went to our bus, then we told about the visit while on the way


This is my first visit with friends at school, the day before my visit I prepare what to bring for the next day Then we are required to leave at 6 am after that we wait for other friends, after waiting for us to leave by bus, we went to HOS Tjokroaminoto's house, when we got there the air was very hot,


ciri recount ada then, after, before

dengan past tense

pakai active verb seperti go atau went

Ciri ciri recount text :

– Menggunakan kalimat Past Tense ( verb 2)

– Menggunakan adverb dan adverbial phrase untuk mengungkapkan waktu, tempat dan cara

– Menggunakan conjunction dan time connectives guna mengurutkan peristiwa atau kejadian


  • Orientation
  • Events
  • Reorientation


– Personal recount: berfungsi menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.

– Factual recount: berfungsi untuk menyajikan laporan peristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi, seperti laporan eksperimen ataupun laporan kepolisian.

– Imaginative: berfungsi untuk menyajikan sebuah cerita imaginatif dan dimasukan dalam peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah terjadi.






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