1 She doesn’t live (not live) here.

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2 They …. (not eat) vegetables.
3 He…. (fly) to the USA every summer.
4 She … (watch) TV in the evenings.
5 We…. (get up) at seven o'clock.
6 It…. (not work).
7 You …. (not know) Liam.
8 1…. (have) a shower every day.​

1 She doesn’t live (not live) here.


1. She doesn't live (not live) here.

2. They don't eat (not eat) vegetables.

3. He flies (fly) to the USA every summer.

4. She watches (watch) TV in the evenings.

5.. We get up (get up) at seven o'clock.

6. You don't know (not know) Liam.

8. I have (have) a shower every day.

Penjelasan :


  • I / We /They / You (verb 1) -> You go to school every day.
  • He / She / It (verb 1 + s/es) -> She goes to school every day

Kegunaan Simple present tense :

1. Menunjukkan kegiatan berulang yang berlangsung saat ini. Contoh :

  • I take the motorcycle to the school.
  • Joe sleeps 10 hours every night during the weekend.

2. Menunjukkan suatu fakta.

  • A rabbit has 4 legs.
  • Indonesia has 34 provinces, from Sabang to Merauke.

3. Menunjukkan suatu kebiasaan (habit).

  • Mischa always takes a bath 2 times a day.
  • Alana gets up early at 5 o’clock every day.

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ^^